
Training and Information for Parents and Families

300 I Street
Suite 112
Washington, DC 20002

Tel: (800) 515-COPE
     (202) 543-6482
Fax: (202) 543-6682

COPE is a parent-run organization committed to assisting families who have children with disabilities and special needs. We work for and on behalf of families in the District of Columbia, building partnerships with professionals and public service organizations that care for our children and their families.

COPE will assist families to become knowledgeable about the DC Special Education System, the decision-making process and how to effectively advocate for related services and support for their child(ren) and family.

COPE Provides:

  • Individual assistance and problem-solving strategies for parents
  • Outreach to the Latino/Hispanic population
  • Outreach to African-Americans and other underserved populations
  • Flexibility of staff to adapt materials to meet the needs of the families
  • Willingness to go into communities to provide training and individual assistance
  • Workshops, training, individual assistance, and resource materials provided in English and Spanish; Networking with families and community organizations to build strong linkages within the District of Columbia

ISER Home | First Steps | Planning | Navigating
LD assessment | ADHD assessment
educational alternatives | learning centers | therapy | advocacy